Rank structure

Our Chain of Command

Welcome to the Rank Structure page for the Training Ship Diomede! Here, you’ll find detailed information about the various ranks within our organisation, modelled after our parent service – the Royal New Zealand Navy. Understanding the rank structure is crucial for recognising the hierarchy and chain of command that ensures smooth operation and discipline.

Cadet Ranks

Promotion of cadet ranks is based on experience, training, hard work, and consistently displaying the New Zealand Cadet Force’s core values in everything they do. Additionally, the cadets include non-commissioned officers (NCOs) who have demonstrated initiative and leadership, thus earning them additional responsibilities. When you first join T.S Diomede, you will enter as a New Entry. This introductory period may last up to eight weeks, during which you will be taught basic uniform care, our unit history, and routine etc. However, all promotions are at the discretion of the Unit Commander.

Ordinary cadet rank.

Ordinary Cadet (OCDT)

After completing initial training, cadets are promoted to this rank. They continue to build on their foundational skills, and further their knowledge of first aid, marksmanship or seamanship. This rank is denoted by a blank slide with ‘CADET FORCES’ written below. 

Able cadet rank.

Able Cadet (ACDT)

Able Cadets have demonstrated proficiency in their skills and show leadership potential. At this stage, they may work towards attending their first promotional course, known as the Junior Non-Commissioning Course.

Leading cadet rank.

Leading Cadet (LCDT)

Leading Cadets have proven leadership abilities and are often in charge of small groups of cadets during activities. 12 months at this rank qualifies them to apply for their Senior Non-Commissioning Course. A fouled anchor badge indicates this rank.

Petty officer cadet rank.

Petty Officer Cadet (POCDT)

Successfully completing the SNCO course can qualify a cadet for promotion to this rank. At this level, you will be expected to take charge of large groups of cadets for extended periods. The rank features a crown above two crossed anchors.

Chief petty officer cadet rank.

Chief Petty Officer Cadet (CPOCDT)

As this rank, you will be more responsible for some of the general running of the unit. Lessons for cadets may frequently be under your direction. Displays a gold-fouled anchor with a crown above it surrounded by a wreath.

Warrant officer cadet rank.

Warrant Officer Cadet (WOCDT)

Highest SNCO rank with only one serving within a unit. Acts as the bridge between officers and cadets. Coat of arms with lion and unicorn. Addressed as “Sir/Ma’am” by cadets or as “Warrant Officer”.

Officer Ranks

In the NZCF, Commissioned Officers are proactive adult volunteers who lead the unit, dedicating their time and energy to weekly training sessions and weekend activities. They actively ensure the welfare of both cadets and staff by taking on the Duty of Care for everyone under their command. These officers receive their commission from the Commandant of the NZCF, on behalf of the Minister of Defence. They are to be saluted as a mark of respect.

Does it sound like you’d be a great officer? Contact us for more information.

Officer cadet rank.

Officer Cadet (OFFCDT)

Officers in training hold this rank as neither cadets nor commissioned officers. However, after successfully completing their Commissioning Course, they will then be promoted to Acting Ensign (A/ENS).

Ensign rank.

Ensign (ENS)

Ensigns focus on developing their skills as officers within the unit. They may hold various positions, such as Divisional Commander, Stores Officer, or Training Officer, among others. Additionally, Ensigns wear a single thin gold bar to denote their rank.

Sub-lieutenant rank.

Sub – Lieutenant (SLT)

Sub-Lieutenants (pronounced as “left-tenant”) possess more experience as officers and have successfully completed and staffed a number of courses. As a result, they are distinguished by one thicker and one thinner gold bar.

Lieutenant rank.

Lieutenant (LT)

They have completed a number of years of service and have completed multiple courses such as the ITTM, Range Conducting Officer’s, Marine Safety Officers course etc. This rank depicts two thicker gold bars.

Lieutenant Commander Rank.

Lieutenant Commander (LTCDR)

The highest rank achievable for SCC Unit Officers, who are experienced in all areas of the unit, features two and a half gold bars.

Commander rank.

Commander (CDR)

This rank is reserved for the Assistant Commandant of the organization, with only one position of this rank or equivalent held at a time. The rank is indicated by three gold bars on the shoulder epaulettes.

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